BURSARIES Vernacular Architecture Group Spring Conference 3rd-7th April 2018


The 2018 Spring Conference of the Vernacular Architecture Group will be held at Bangor
University in North Wales from Tuesday 3 April until Saturday 7 April 2018. During the day members will tour the locality, visiting and interpreting lesser traditional buildings; lecturesand discussions will be held in the evenings. The visits will cover Anglesey (Wednesday), the Denbighshire Clwyd and Upper Dee valleys (Thursday) and the Conwy valley (Friday). Evening speakers will include Andrew Davidson, David Gwyn, Richard Suggett and Richard Bebb.

The Vernacular Architecture Group is able to offer three bursaries to assist registered
students or professionals in the early years of their career to attend the Conference. The
Committee is aware that the cost often makes attendance difficult for students and others who might benefit from the lectures and discussions, and from the opportunity to meet people active in the field. There is no age limit, and both full-time and part-time students are welcome to apply.

Applicants must normally be students of vernacular architecture or a related discipline, or early career professionals working in the field. They should send brief details including a list of academic courses and any special reasons for attending this conference to help in the selection of appropriate candidates. Candidates will be expected to show evidence of an active interest in vernacular architecture and explain how they hope to benefit from attending the conference.

Find the relevant documentation and application forms here>>