Survey – University of Greenwich – Digital building Data Longevity and Interoperability

Ahmed Khalil is a PhD researcher at the University of Greenwich, working on the digital documentation of heritage buildings. As a part of his PhD project, he has prepared an online questionnaire concerning digital building data longevity and interoperability.

The questionnaire can be accessed through this link: 

The online questionnaire is composed of two parts, the first part is exploring potential problems of digital data storage and re-accessibility as well as potential issues of data interoperability in the architecture and construction industries. the second part is specific to the heritage buildings sector. The questionnaire is relevant to professionals and academics working in the architecture and construction industries who deal with digital building data.  

All of the information collected will remain confidential. All information will be kept on secure encrypted devices. As soon as data is collected, all personal data will be anonymised. Any personal data will be deleted after the study. Anonymous answers will be used for research purposes only. Only anonymised questionnaire data will be kept for two years for further analysis and publications. 

Closes November 2021